Finishing Strong!

"Chicken Club" Sticker design.'

The downside of being a creative hired gun is not having the satisfaction of seeing my work in it's final context more times than not. Most of the clients I work with move on to new projects and rarely send along samples of how my work was used in the final context. This is understandable in a large, fast paced agency where a team usually handles a client rather then one or two people.

Clever visual twist icons for each of the food varieties.

It is a nice surprise however when an agency does take the time to share with me how the final product came out. RETHINK is the agency who handled the rebranding for "Kolachy Co." and the images shown in this post reflect how they used the icon art I developed for them.

The creative director on this project was Jeff Harrison at RETHINK.

Piping hot fresh brewed branding.

I love how RETHINK has integrated the iconic art through out all the various components of the new branding. Clean, sophisticated yet fun.

Nice coherent brand environment.

This new rebranding can be seen in the recent edition of Canada's premier magazine for visual communications "Applied Arts." Thank you RETHINK for sharing the final result, it's good to see it finish strong!