Eastern Beauty.

"Eastern Beauty" Artwork. Click image to view larger preview.

Lately it seems like clients have been giving me specific directions to take my art and once I get there they change their mind and than move me in another direction. It's all part of the creative process when working with an agency but it's still a little disappointing when you feel like you delivered on target. (Cue Hindemith's solo violin sonata no. 2, Op. 31.)

"Eastern Beauty" T-shirt.

But I am not too bummed. (Sniff) After all they are still paying me for creating the art and I get the benefit of using it however I see fit. (That's right!) And I see fit to take this rejected art and apply it to all manner of consumer goods so you my faithful blog reader can spend your stimulus check and help facilitate a healthy creative commerce. So gird your loins with my art here.

Some of my best artwork have been complete failures and this is what I'd consider one of my best. Artwork that is, not the failure part. (Geesh.)