Monkey Business

Monkey Business Multi-National Corporate Logo.

One thing is clear "Monkey Business" is on the rise internationally.

The clarion call has gone out, now is the time to wear your mind and warn others that the future may not be all that chimptastic.

Monkey Business Multi-National Power Tee.

This t-shirt will no doubt cause some to ask you "What does that mean?" At which point you can share your inner loathing for all the various "Monkey Business" going on at the moment. Not sure where to start? Here's a good list of topics to choose from.

- Big Auto CEO's
- Big Auto Unions
- Big Bank Golden Parachutes
- Big Oil Fat Cats
- Britney Spears
- Global Warming Speculation
- Hollywood Elite
- Idiotic Movie Sequels
- Microsoftstool
- Military Industrial Complex
- Radical Muslim Terrorists
- Snuggies
- The Nanny State Mindset
- The New IRS
- Third World Nuclear Powers
- Wall Street Investors
- Weasel Washington Politicians

This list is very truncated and will be in constant flux as more and more monkey business comes and goes, so it's easier to just monitor the news and select the most recent magnet for your scorn.

It's time for a new "Clone War."

Wear Your Mind.
View "Monkey Business Multi-National Power Tee" (White)
View "Monkey Business Multi-National Power Tee" (Dark)

PDF Art Download
Print out and hang the "Monkey Business Multi-National Logo" in your office or tape it to the back of a CEO's limo. The possibilities are endless.

Download Monkey Business PDF