Mickey Rat

The original "Mickey Rat" comic book.

Growing up I enjoyed comics. I always seemed to be more drawn to DC variety than Marvel as it turned out. Not sure why? Another variety I was introduced too was underground comics. The artwork of Robert Crumb all though risque and subversive at times always appealed to me. I rarely actually read through them, rather I'd just spend my time looking at his drawing style and the characters he created.

When I first saw the above comic I enjoyed the fact they were doing a parody of a cute innocent character. I initially though it was the work of Robert Crumb but it was actually created by one of the members of his band named Robert Armstrong. The influence from Crumb is obvious.

My take on "Mickey Rat" (Click Image to view larger)

The last week has been pretty calm here at Glitschka Studios. I have a number of projects in progress but at the moment all of them are on hold as I await feedback form my clients. So I decided to create my own take on "Mickey Rat."

I wanted him to be somewhat cute but also disturbing and a little bit demented as well.

Splatter version. (Click image to view larger)

I'm sure I'll offend someone with this illustration but life wouldn't be as interesting if everyone agreed with me now would it? So you may be wondering "Why is he holding a knife?" I guess I liked the juxtaposition of a seemingly cute character with the dangerously sharp, bloodied knife along with the alarming blood splattered background.

Wear the demented little vermin.

Of course I had to design an appropriate subversive t-shirt with this art and you can get more information about the "Mickey Rat" tee here. (It helps to look a little crazy when you wear it too.)

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This artwork is Copyright © Glitschka Studios. You can use these PDF files for personal viewing and to print out and hang in your work area. No other usage is granted.