A Graphic Skeleton from my Design Closet

Hitler and cheap font CD.

A good friend and talented designer Tim Frame emailed me the link to the above video earlier today. I drank my latte and chuckled as the video played and then nearly did a spit take as the following came on screen...

Guilty as charged.

There in front of me was my own typeface "Whutevur" which I had designed back in 1998 starring at me, mocking me, and being mentioned along side infamous design eye sores like "Comic Sans." I legitimately LOL when I saw it and emailed Tim back.

I should point out that my font was never included on a "Cheap Font CD" but I can't say I disagree with the videos assessment either. I tend to always cringe looking at work I produced in the past and seeing this font again gave me that same sense of artistic foreboding.

Whutevur font designed in 1998.

For those who've asked me if I've ever posted bad work, here you go. Behold the glory of my custom font "Whutevur" designed to be marketed with an art collection of the same name.

I liked it at the time but I look at it now and think "What was I thinking?"

Whutevur Art Collection created in 1998.

I think the art collection holds up well though. I still can't believe step by step graphics who published it wrote off on the concept. I basically sketched these out while working at Upper Deck during the day and built them at night until I had the whole set of 130+ done. It was like getting paid to do glorified doodles.

My favorite quote regarding this project was shared with me by a creative director at step by step. As the story goes a marketing person who apparently had never seen this art before it launched saw the final product sitting on her desk and exclaimed:

"Who would buy this?"

To which I replied "Whutevur." ;-P

So there you go, a graphic skeleton from my design closet.