This Old Blog.

A guilty pleasure of mine is watching home related programming on TV. My daughter thinks I am wasting my TiVo account recording HGTV programs instead of "Invader Zim." I of course disagree, but when "Scripps Networks" contacted me about a logo and branding for a new program I was very excited.

Cool Houses Daily Logo Mark.

A brand logo for a TV production is a different breed of animal than one for mere print production. It has to work well as a "Bug" on TV. It has to allow for the possibility of animation and seamless integration across all media venues including both print and web. That was part of the criteria I was given when working on "Cool Houses Daily" a new featurette offered up by the Scripps Network.

TV spot animation of Cool Houses Daily Logo.

Cool Houses Daily is directly tied into an online web portal called so I created fun and colorful web headers and illustrations that were integrated into both the TV spots and web site. Visit the site link above or view my artwork in action by clicking here.

My art in context of the web site.

Working digitally is a double edged sword at times. Even though I like how this came out over all there is a few areas on the site where Scripps in house team took some creative liberty and chopped up my art to create other usages and those kind of make me cringe but what can you do?

Real Estate Survival Guide header illustration.

Part of the Cool Houses Daily home page.

Seller's Guide inset illustration.

Stay tuned for a few more logos I developed for Scripps programming on a small screen near you.