Recycle Icons

Recycle Icons 1-4.

A local agency here in Salem, Oregon hired me to create a set of icons that their client the local waste management company could use to put on blue bags that would show what could and couldn't be recycled. It's not a glamorous job but it was still challenging trying to make junk look nice and iconic, yet still accurately spell it out for the average joe consumer.

The challenge was to do it using one color "White" on a blue bag and simple enough that it could be silk screened easily and hold up small. I have to admit the hardest one was "Styrofoam." At first I had no idea how I was going to do it then I just though about those nebulous shapes the come in a package and just made one up and that combined with a regular cup worked better then I had expected.

Recycle Icons 5-8.

One thing that cannot be recycled is general "Garbage" so this was my first ever illustrated garbage icon. It was a good waste of time. OK, bad pun.