What will design be like in 2025?

'Beware of the "Monkey Do" Virus!'

That was the question posed by HOW Design Magazine. I gave it some thought and came up with the following prediction. HOW Design Magazine published my opinion regarding the future of design in their August edition.

"Apple will release its first neural implant for controlling GUI content on the MAC platform. Branded "iThink", it will make the keyboard, mouse and tablet/pen obsolete over night.

Microsoft will follow suit about a year later with it's own neural implant for controlling GUI content on Windows Universe Pro Edition. It'll look just like Apple's and be branded "iDea." Three days after it's release to the public, however, a temporal worm virus called "Monkey Do" will infect users' brains so they start acting like chimps, throwing poo on anyone that comes near."

That's right, I got "Chimps throwing poo!" published in a national magazine. How cool is that. LOL