0-63 in 7 Seconds

Over the last 23 years I've worked on a lot of different type of illustrative design projects, but my favorite type of project is still logo designs. Sometimes it may be my own client, but most often it's for another agency or firm.

I always find logo designs challenging in that I have to discover that one concept that will be an appropriate, creative, and hopefully clever solution for my clients business or product.

Back in 2003 my friend Paul Howalt introduced me to Bill Gardner the author of "Logolounge I, II, III, IV and V." Bill invited me to submit for his second book and I've been addicted to his site Logolounge.com ever since.

The logo lounge books have become the most popular design publications in our industry and now they've started to put together a new series derived from the ever growing archive that is Logolounge.com and the first one out of the gate was "Logolounge: Master Library Vol. 1 - Crest Logos" which also featured "14" of my logo designs in it.

Logolounge Master Library 2 - Animals & Mythology
A few weeks back I was contacted by the publisher and notified that the next book in the series "Logolounge Master Library 2 - Animals & Mythology" would contain "63" of my logo designs. At first I thought someone made a typo, but was shocked to discover it was accurate.

Logolounge Master Library 2 - Animals & Mythology: 63 Logos in 7 seconds.

I'm so honored just to have any of my work in this wonderful collection. I didn't want to post all "63" so I figured the easiest way was to do a simple animation that loops through all of them. Kind of speed reading for bloggers I suppose?