Beyond the Glory

"Fungi Film" Doodle Movie.

I'm always doodling. Most people never see my doodles except those I choose to post on my art blog. Over the last few years I've been creating what I call "Doodle Movies."

In an age of increasing multi-media via interactive web sites, touch screens and a continuous non-stop march towards ever increasing technology, the former stalwarts of web interactive are quickly becoming obsolete.

What I call a "Doodle Movie" others refer to as an "Animated Gif." They're of course technically correct but I prefer my moniker instead.

Root King.

I don't animate all my doodles. Sometimes I draw something and look at it later and think "What is that?" Such was the case with my "Root King" doodle. No clue why I drew it? It just kind of flowed out of me onto the paper like a stream of conscience captured via a doodle. I like it, even though I have no clue what it means.

Almost everything animated online today is handled through Adobe Flash. Be that as it may, I still enjoy working with the simple methods of creating unique animations via my "Doodle Movies."

I know if there was a "Beyond the Glory" TV show for design methods an animated gif would no doubt be featured.

That said I think it's fun creating simple animated "Doodle Movies." It's like the doodling of multi-media.