Pimping Lincoln

"Pimping Lincoln" Because it's fun.

The past few days have been way too serious on my blog. So tonight I decided to do something just for fun.

Tonight I was reading online and an image of Abraham Lincoln showed up on one of the web pages I visited. I looked at this historical image and a few thoughts streamed across my conscience.

"I wonder what he was thinking about when this was taken?"
"Dude had big ears."
"I wonder if he had a good sense of humor?"

And then in a moment of "Creative Curiosity" I thought.

"I wonder what my face would look like on his body?"

It's at moments like these I allow my "Late Night Logic" to kick in and act on spontaneous creative ideas that pop into my head. So I decided to act upon the common vernacular "Photoshopping" a picture of my face onto one of our nations most beloved fore fathers.

Pimping Honest Abe.

Doing this brought back a memory I hadn't thought of in over 22 years. At my very first job out of art school I worked at a small hole in the wall screen print shop. (This was all pre-computer old school graphic design with Amberlith and T-squares.) At that time I had photocopied the same picture of lincoln and put sunglasses on him and a tropical patterned shirt.

I thought the pop art was cool looking and showed it to Sandy the secretary and all she had to say was.

"That is disrespectful and not funny at all."

You didn't want to argue with Sandy, she was never wrong.

When I started there several employees told me not to look at her thumb. I asked why and one person said.

"She only has a nub and you don't want her catching you starring at it, she'll freak."

Well, I forgot all about this and one day she walked into my office and handed me a work file. As I reached out to grab it I spotted her nub and just kind of froze starring at it not moving. I was hypnotized by her nub. After a few awkward seconds she tossed it on my desk and left the room and now 22+ years later a nub and a dislike for "Pimping Lincoln" is all I remember of Sandy.

The whole time I worked there I had my pimped Lincoln hanging on my wall in just the right spot so as Sandy could see it from her desk. LOL

For Your "Photoshopping" Pleasure.

So now it's your turn. Use the image above and take a few minutes "Pimping Lincoln."

When you're done with it just email me the image and I'll post it below in this same thread.

Send your pimped Lincoln to: info@glitschka.com

Pimped Lincoln Gallery

Designer: Justen Hong - First Half Asian Lincoln.

Designer: Eric Holsomback

Designer: Andreas Aronsson

Designer: David Holm - Mr. Clean

Designer: Robert Miller - Cruising

Designer: Mike Hosier

Designer: Brandon Dawley

Designer: Mary Gibson

Designer: Scott Fulk

Designer: Mark Vogler

Designer: Alin Ivana - Romanian Lincoln

Designer: Jay Montgomery

Designer: Stephen Way - Lincoln Pimped

Designer: Lance Ford

Designer: Jason Oliver

Designer: Chris Rooney - Abe "Rock Your Cabin" Lincoln

Designer: Carson Brown

Designer: Eloy Lbarra

Designer: Clay Billman

Designer: Jared Fitch - Obramaham Lincoln

Designer: Duane Cardwell

Designer: Stephen Hilbelink

Designer: H. Iñaki Basagoiti - Barcelona

PS: If you ever meet me in person ask me to tell you the story about my friend mowing the lawn in her bare feet. It's pretty funny but this post had enough rabbit trails so I didn't want to add another one. ;-)