Brand Face

Brand Face is moody. (Click image to view larger)

This morning I was thinking about all the recent brand designs that have caused a lot of discussion in the design community. The majority opinion it would seem of late is that many larger re-brands are being poorly executed. (Pardon the pun)

As I continued to think about this an idea struck me, what if you formed a face based on some of the best known brands today and what emotion would that face have at this time in our industry? With that in mind I had some fun and the above is the result.

Nose: I love this packaging BTW. I just used it because it makes a good "Red" nose to represent a cold. The juxtaposition with Pepsi is a bonus.

Eyes: The new Pepsi mark and the Xerox marble logo. Cross eyed if you will.

Eye Brows: Nike styled furrowed brow.

Tear: Kraft Foods brand frill.

Mouth: A downcast smile.

Thought: The new "Jack" in the Box isn't so nibble.

Beverage: Tropicana is tasting a bit sour of late.

Cheer up Brand Face! You'll eventually feel better. Be thankful you haven't caught a case of the Google. The acne of branding.