
Moleskin sketch "George."

Rarely do I plan anything I draw in my moleskin. I just sit down and let it just kind of flow out. Open the flood gates and see what spills out onto the page. Last few years it's been a lot of orbs, snakes, flames, hands and arms appearing from no where and characters like George.

Why the name George? I have no clue? I'll let you tell me.

Scanned in and played with.

I like moleskins but my favorite pen to doodle with is a Paper Mate Flair felt pen and unfortunately for what ever reason the paper stock in a moleskins kind of repels the ink. You can notice the splotchy dark areas in my photo above.

So most often you'll find me doodling on simple white note pads that you can tear off and that is what I tend to prefer to draw on. I like the flexibility of being able to easily scan something in or tack it up for inspiration or put it in a project folder etc.

But if you're looking for a top-notch bound sketch book look no further than the moleskin.

Like I said, I prefer doodling on note pads and in the case of the image at right I doodled it on a project outline I had printed out. I find I doodle best when talking on the phone or listening to someone else talk, don't get me wrong I pay attention to what is being said and doodling helps me to focus better.

When I scanned the doodle in I noticed it picked up some of the copy from the opposite side and I thought those artifacts looked pretty cool so I worked into the final image you see.

Like "George" I have no idea as to the meaning of this but I sure do like it. For what it's worth I titled this random doodle "Unsure Ltd." I think it's appropriate for the economic landscape we find ourselves in at the moment globally.

Remember, never stop drawing!