MacWorld Predictions

'Jobs wearing his standard issue jeans and black turtleneck.'

For most people Christmas tends to be the apex of expectations in any given year when waiting for the unknown to be revealed. But for diehard MAC Addicts like myself Christmas is a mere warm up to the greater expectations that soon follow at Macworld with the Apple keynote given by Steve Jobs. What new products or technologies will Apple announce? Much speculation and rumor abounds this time of year and I thought I'd take a few guesses myself and see how well my forecasting skills bear up against the final truth to be revealed January 15th.

UPDATED: Well the keynote is over and it looks like I was far too hopeful then reality delivered. Anything tagged RED below either proved to be true or at least partially true. The rest was more or less wishful thinking or just pure science fiction I had hoped for. :-)


Apple will...
- Preview next-gen OS utilizing resolution independence. (Shot in the dark)
- Preview proof of concept for new OS navigation via touch-screen. (Eh)
- Announce touch-screen Mac. Tablet format. (iMac format?)
- Announce touch-screen programmable monitors. (Please)
- Announce iTunes movie rental service. (I know not original)
- Announce new Apple TV improvements. (Big surprise)
- Announce Apple Plasma TV. (Shot in the dark)
- Announce the ability to upload/edit video via Apple TV. (New iMovie)
- Announce the next generation iPhone. (3G, GPS & Video)
- Announce OLED Keyboard. (Sorry Optimus you're taking too long)
- Reveal it's own suite of creative apps to compete w/ Adobe. (I can dream)

Steve will...
- Slam Microsoft in some form at least 3-5 times during keynote. (Amen)
- Have Woz come cruising out on the stage riding his Segway. (LOL)
- Say "But there is one more thing." at least 2 times. (Maybe 3)
- Announce Beatles on iTunes. McCartney closes keynote. (Giddy Up)

Once the keynote wraps up on January 15th I'll post a follow up to this and see how well my predictions faired.