Doodle Art

'Wall Art Installation.'

Sometimes I get inspired on the spur of the moment. When this happens I tend to put aside what ever I am working on and just pursue the creative rabbit trail to see where it leads.

Such was the case here. I had a tight project deadline and I was cleaning off my desk when I picked up a pad of paper that was almost empty. I took off the two remaining sheets and was going to toss the cardboard backing away when I had an idea.

I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut out a rough shape then proceeded to doodle on top of it until I had "Doodle Dog." It was so much fun I did a few more. All of them are shown on my studio wall above. They are attached to thumb tacks so they pop out from the wall a little and I plan on doing more and creating a whole scene.

'Doodle Dog.'

I even took one of the pictures into Photoshop and applied some color. It was a fun creative exercise and this type of creative interlude truly lives up to the name of this site.

'Doodle Fish.'

Man alive these little things are addictive. I couldn't help myself and created the above fish last night. They are spawning faster than Tribbles on crack.

If you want to see and read more about this then visit my other web site and download my complete creative exercise.