A Lifetime Commitment.

'Claude Montreal a fan of my 'Tribal Tattoo' artwork.'

My artwork via my web sites is seen by a lot of people. Some of which have nothing to do with graphic design or illustration. Such is the case in regards to this post. Apparently a gentleman from Canada by the name of 'Claude' stumbled up my 'Tribal Tattoo' artwork (See Below) while surfing the net and then while in Cancun visited a tattoo shop called 'Second Skin' where an artist by the name of 'Ray' reproduced my artwork on to his back. This is only the third time (that I am aware of) that someone has used my artwork to get tattooed onto their body permanently.

'Tribal Tattoo face.'

Like I said in a recent post, I am a weenie when it comes to tattooing. I don't have any and if I did decide to get one it would be a temporary one at that. I could never commit to my own art, I get sick of it too fast. I am glad Claude likes my art and I wish him the best with his life time commitment to my art on his back, he's far more daring then I am.