coming up -- tiffany bozic at blk/mrkt

tonight is the internet preview for the tiffany bozic show. if you contacted blk/mrkt to request to be on their list for this show, then you got the email. and tomorrow (friday), you get the opportunity to purchase in order of your placement on the list.

fecal face has tiffany bozic featured in two columns which are currently side by side:
ff_bozic cover.jpg

one uses tiffany's postcard piece at the end of a long list of art shows to see this week. the other discusses cohen's art, a project where someone named "aye jay" got a number of artists to collaborate on work started by his(?) 6 year old son. the small image shown next to the link for the article is a bozic bird (side by side with another very different bozic bird). read all about cohen's art?

john trippe also includes a photo of a musician and a painter standing in front of the bozic painting featured at fecal face's recent 125 anniversary of the internet show (buried with a bunch of other photos on his blog).

flavorpill features tiffany's (older) open heart painting with a description of the show in the table of contents for the current mailer.

good to see the support. hopefully the local and art press will also step up.