Pet Monster 'Snilbog' - Final Color Rendering

2D Character Illustration

Final 3D Character Illustratration

The hardest part of this project was staying true to my initial illustration. Anyone who knows the tools can pull off 3D work. What is usually lacking in most is unique design and style. I wanted my segmented style to stay true to the original and just be translated truthfully into a 3D version.

The coloring was a bit tricky to pull off in a 3D environment, but I think the visual transliteration came out really good. We are now working on the characters rigging so we can animate him. Eventually we'll have a nice short featuring this character who I've named 'Snilbog'.

Character Detail 1

The eyes were critical on this. At first the translation from my initial illustration wasn't looking good in the 3D version. Losing the white helped push it in the right direction. Having each eye a different color captures the quality I had in my original illustration.

Character Detail 2

This view shows the lovely translucent drool which of course will be dripping in the animated version. Forked tongue and huge razor sharp teeth add to the overall effect.

As I stated in a previous post, my friend Bret St.Amour and I have started a new business venture we are calling 'Ornery Frog Productions'. We'll offer character development to ad agencies and creative firms. Bret is a very talented Maya guru and long time friend I've known since art school days. Our combined talents will produce the kind of work as shown in this post.